Saturday, April 27, 2013

I am back (Part 2)

I must admit that i was confused and excited at the same time. We decided that we are going ahead with adoption, our babies will grow as twins. The scan date arrive i couldn't believe that i was back at Vitalab but this time I was pregnant. Dr J did the scan and lo and behold the was no heart beat. I could see on Dr J eyes that something was wrong. It was the worst day of my life, I couldn't believe that it was happening again for the Fifth time. I wanted to scream to someone, I wanted to swear or do something bad. God how can this happen to us again, we where ready to move on but why now. It seems like someone is punishing us for what I am not a bad person i never ever hurt people. I am not saying I am saint but i not bad either I try helping people, i try showing some kindness. In that period i started having doubt on my faith to God, the worst part it was December 2010. I was not even sure that i want a baby anymore. We didn't plan any vacation that year but we decide to go to Namibia, it was good for us.

Friday, April 26, 2013

I am back

It has been almost four years since i last wrote something, anyway i decided to do the writing again. Where do i start the so much that i need to download so much has happen these past years. Finally in 2009 we decided to move back to Pretoria and after a lot of house hunting we finally found the house that we loved we moved there in August 2009, i must say that was the best decision we ever made ever. In that year i got the taste of being a house wife, the business was not doing well at all it was dry for about Six months. I used to stay home and stare at the computer it was a very dark period of my life. I thought coming back to Pretoria will rekindle most of the friendship that was build over the years while growing up in Pretoria but i realised that most of the people has moved on all of my friends had two or three children, and me none? Any way it was a very lonely four months, I was broke, no friends and still facing an infertility. Early January 2010 my HB surprised me with a week holiday to Drakensberg, it was i great gateway and during my holiday i received two appointment letters for work and we made a big decision to start with adoption process. I was so excited the thought of having a baby gave me goose bump. Between January and May I was so busy with the 2010 World cup project so our adoption process where put on hold. It was exciting time for me everything was going well with the business . After the world cup we started the adoption process by September all the paper work was done and the waiting started it was a long Seven months of my life but wait in November 2010 i found out that i was pregnant can you imagine the shock. Here I am waiting for the placement of my baby but now i am pregnant unplanned and unexpected.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Update on house hunting

Sjoe i can't believe how difficult it is to find our ideal house. SO far we have viewed close to 50 houses yes you heard right 50 houses .We know that we wouldn't find our dream house but something that we can work on of course with a good price

80% of the house we view was terrible, i am sorry to say but some people taste ha!!!!!15% was workable but with small stands, we need atleast 1000sqm and only 5% suits us best. So far only two houses that we are interested on and the problem is the prices they are out of budget by R200k and R300k. House "A" that we definitely want to buy the seller is not under pressure to sell so not sure if the will accept the offer that is less by R200k. House "B" the seller is in financial strain the agent thinks that He will look at the lower offer, i did a deed search on the property the owner owes more than what we are prepare to offer.I spoke to the agent this morning about an offer to House "A" that we are prepare to give and she said i must put it in writing. I am hoping that the Seller will accept the offer. I am really tired of This and soon we will be homeless.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Health Clinic

On Sunday I had an interesting conversation with one of pregnant ladies from the church. She told me that she has been TTC for 11yrs and she tried everything and nothing worked( She was diagnosed with unexplained infertility) until she tried a health clinic in Soweto and after three months of treatment she conceived and she due this month.

Three years ago I made a promise to myself that i am not going to run around looking for a miracle workers as i did in the past but after hearing this i decide that let me try it because at the moment i doing a project in Soweto and it is on my way. Yesterday I had my appointment , they use Iridology
for diagnosis. They discovered that i have clots in my womb which prevent enough blood flow in my womb. Afterwards i was did in a detox machine and then,the nice part was the body massage. I was given about seven bottle of different herbs and the follow up appointment is in four weeks.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Nothing much has happen since my last post i was working a lot, i don't even believe that all the long weekends has past without me enjoying them. I am so happy that things are now back to normal.

We are still hunting house, i can't believe how the property value has dropped it is a good time to buy. So we have decided not to rush into buying, the transfer of our current house will take place in about six weeks. This weekend we are viewing 4 properties and 2 bank repos so we will probably make an offer.As soon as we have sorted out the house thing we will start the adoption process.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Changes in POA

Lot of things has happened this month but i haven't had much time to blog. The good news is that we got an offer on our property, so we are moving back to Pretoria i am so happy.

AF was due on Wednesday and yesterday she showed her ugly face in the early hours, the go my hopes for this cycle. Initially we decided that we will do another IVF this month but yesterday after a long chat with DH we decided not to go ahead. At this stage we are so busy early this month we got a big project, starting a new project it is very stressful that is why we are putting it on hold. Last year before we started with IVF DH wanted us to change clinics but i didn't want to do that because i love Vitalab but now i think is time for change. We have been with VL for over 3yrs now i will really miss them especially Dr J. We are thinking of finding a FS in Pretoria i know the are two clinics or more but i still do need some recommendations.

For now will continue with adoption process , i don't think the waiting list is that long for black babies.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweetie

To Oarona,

Wishing you a very happy day. I pray for you that God bless you with Divine Health and a sound mind. B and I love you so much you will always be our little girl.