After my canceled IVF early this month i felt like i have lost another pregnancy, I really believed that this is it for us. Everyday when i inject myself, all i was thinking about is pregnancy for Christmas it will have been a nice gift. I couldn't believe what i went through, my hormones where all over the place, poor DH .
Last week Friday i did a scan, my ovaries are still big. I am patiently waiting for AF then need to phone VL. All this time i was trying to figure out why things went so terribly wrong, we even cancel our holidays .
At least today i can thing clearly, i need to get my life back on track do what i do best GIVING. I am done with feeling sorry for myself it really doesn't help. I have gain 3kg of weight, i am emotional eater. So tomorrow I am hitting the shops to spend the holiday money on the least fortunate. I going to buy food for street kids.
The way forward: Spend time in Prayer for God guidance and Strength.
The New Phase of Embryo Biopsy and PGD
12 years ago