Thursday, January 8, 2009

New year, New beginnings

Sjoe I am so happy that 2008 is gone that was really bad year for me, I trust 2009 will be better that 2009. This is my seventh year in marriage, seven is the number of completeness and perfection. I trust that my family will be complete this year.

My resolution for this year is to be happy, be fulfil in every area of my life. I am not going to allow guilt to consume me like it did over the years especially last year. Everyday of 2009 i am going to remind myself that this is not my fault, i didn't do anything wrong to deserve this. Here is to a happy 2009!!!

Today i joined the gym, i really need to keep fit and healthy this year. After my cancelled IVF in December i found comfort in food and gained 3kg. Luckily i lost 2kg during my year end fast so atleast i don't need to work very hard in weight loss just being healthy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Emmah
All the best with your weight loss efforts!
We have a bit in common, I too am in my 7th year of marriage and my 7th year of TTC, so hopefully 2009 will see both our promises for a miracle fufilled.